basecls.models.mbnet 源代码

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2020 Ross Wightman
# This file has been modified by Megvii ("Megvii Modifications").
# All Megvii Modifications are Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Megvii Inc. All rights reserved.
"""MobileNet Series

MobileNetV1: `"MobileNets: Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks for Mobile Vision Applications"

MobileNetV2: `"MobileNetV2: Inverted Residuals and Linear Bottlenecks"

MobileNetV3: `"Searching for MobileNetV3" <>`_

from functools import partial
from numbers import Real
from typing import Any, Callable, Mapping, Sequence, Union

import megengine.hub as hub
import megengine.module as M

from basecls.layers import (
from basecls.utils import recursive_update, registers

from .resnet import SimpleStem

__all__ = ["MBConv", "MBStage", "MBNet"]

[文档]class MBConv(M.Module): """Mobile inverted bottleneck block with SE. ======= ================ =================== ==== ============== ======= ====== Version Expansion DWConv SE PWConv OutAct Skip ======= ================ =================== ==== ============== ======= ====== basic [EXP, BN, AF] [kxk_DW, BN, AF] [SE] [1x1_Conv, BN] [ AF] [Skip] V1 [3x3_DW, BN, ReLU6] [1x1_Conv, BN] [ReLU6] V2 [EXP, BN, ReLU6] [3x3_DW, BN, ReLU6] [1x1_Conv, BN] [Skip] V3 [EXP, BN, AF] [kxk_DW, BN, AF] [SE] [1x1_Conv, BN] [Skip] ======= ================ =================== ==== ============== ======= ====== Args: w_in: input width. w_out: output width. stride: stride of depthwise conv. kernel: kernel of depthwise conv. exp_r: expansion ratio. se_r: SE ratio. se_from_exp: calculate SE channels from expanded (mid) channels. se_act_name: activation function for SE. se_approx: whether approximated sigmoid function (HSigmoid). se_rd_fn: SE round channel function. has_proj_act: whether apply activation to output. has_skip: whether apply skip connection. drop_path_prob: drop path probability. norm_name: normalization function. act_name: activation function. """ def __init__( self, w_in: int, w_out: int, stride: int, kernel: int, exp_r: float, se_r: float, se_from_exp: bool, se_act_name: str, se_approx: bool, se_rd_fn: Callable, has_proj_act: bool, has_skip: bool, drop_path_prob: float, norm_name: str, act_name: str, ): super().__init__() # Expansion w_mid = w_in w_exp = make_divisible(w_in * exp_r, round_limit=0.9) if exp_r != 1.0: self.exp = conv2d(w_in, w_exp, 1) self.exp_bn = norm2d(norm_name, w_exp) self.exp_act = activation(act_name) w_mid = w_exp # DWConv self.dwise = conv2d(w_mid, w_mid, kernel, stride=stride, groups=w_mid) self.dwise_bn = norm2d(norm_name, w_mid) self.dwise_act = activation(act_name) # SE if se_r > 0.0: se_rd_fn = se_rd_fn or int w_se = se_rd_fn((w_mid if se_from_exp else w_in) * se_r) = SE(w_mid, w_se, se_act_name, se_approx) # PWConv self.proj = conv2d(w_mid, w_out, 1) self.proj_bn = norm2d(norm_name, w_out) self.has_proj_act = has_proj_act if self.has_proj_act: self.proj_act = activation(act_name) # Skip self.has_skip = has_skip and w_in == w_out and stride == 1 if self.has_skip: self.drop_path = DropPath(drop_path_prob)
[文档] def forward(self, x): x_p = x if getattr(self, "exp", None) is not None: x = self.exp(x) x = self.exp_bn(x) x = self.exp_act(x) x = self.dwise(x) x = self.dwise_bn(x) x = self.dwise_act(x) if getattr(self, "se", None) is not None: x = x = self.proj(x) x = self.proj_bn(x) if self.has_proj_act: x = self.proj_act(x) if self.has_skip: x = self.drop_path(x) x = x + x_p return x
[文档]class MBStage(M.Module): """MBNet stage (sequence of blocks w/ the same output shape).""" def __init__( self, w_in: int, w_out: int, stride: int, depth: int, exp_r: Union[float, Sequence[float]], drop_path_prob: Sequence[float], **kwargs, ): super().__init__() self.depth = depth if isinstance(exp_r, Real): exp_r = [exp_r] * depth for i in range(depth): block = MBConv( w_in, w_out, stride, exp_r=exp_r[i], drop_path_prob=drop_path_prob[i], **kwargs ) setattr(self, f"b{i + 1}", block) stride, w_in = 1, w_out def __len__(self): return self.depth
[文档] def forward(self, x): for i in range(self.depth): block = getattr(self, f"b{i + 1}") x = block(x) return x
[文档]@registers.models.register() class MBNet(M.Module): """MobileNet model. Args: stem_w: stem width. depths: depth for each stage (number of blocks in the stage). widths: width for each stage (width of each block in the stage). strides: strides for each stage (applies to the first block of each stage). kernels: kernel sizes for each stage. exp_rs: expansion ratios for MobileNet basic blocks in each stage. Default: ``1.0`` se_rs: Squeeze-and-Excitation (SE) ratios. Default: ``0.0`` stage_act_names: activation function for stages. Default: ``None`` has_proj_act: whether apply activation to output. Default: ``False`` has_skip: whether apply skip connection. Default: ``True`` drop_path_prob: drop path probability. Default: ``0.0`` width_mult: width multiplier. Default: ``1.0`` norm_name: normalization function. Default: ``"BN"`` act_name: activation function. Default: ``"relu6"`` head: head args. Default: ``None`` """ def __init__( self, stem_w: int, depths: Sequence[int], widths: Sequence[int], strides: Sequence[int], kernels: Sequence[int], exp_rs: Union[float, Sequence[Union[float, Sequence[float]]]] = 1.0, se_rs: Union[float, Sequence[Union[float, Sequence[float]]]] = 0.0, stage_act_names: Sequence[str] = None, has_proj_act: bool = False, has_skip: bool = True, drop_path_prob: float = 0.0, width_mult: float = 1.0, norm_name: str = "BN", act_name: str = "relu6", head: Mapping[str, Any] = None, ): super().__init__() self.depths = depths stem_w = make_divisible(stem_w * width_mult, round_limit=0.9) self.stem = SimpleStem(3, stem_w, norm_name, act_name) widths = [make_divisible(w * width_mult, round_limit=0.9) for w in widths] if isinstance(exp_rs, Real): exp_rs = [exp_rs] * len(depths) if isinstance(se_rs, Real): se_rs = [se_rs] * len(depths) drop_path_prob_iter = (i / sum(depths) * drop_path_prob for i in range(sum(depths))) drop_path_probs = [[next(drop_path_prob_iter) for _ in range(d)] for d in depths] if stage_act_names is None: stage_act_names = [act_name] * len(depths) model_args = ( depths, widths, strides, kernels, exp_rs, se_rs, drop_path_probs, stage_act_names, ) prev_w = stem_w for i, (d, w, s, k, exp_r, se_r, dp_p, act) in enumerate(zip(*model_args)): stage = MBStage( prev_w, w, s, d, kernel=k, exp_r=exp_r, se_r=se_r, se_from_exp=True, se_act_name="relu", se_approx=True, se_rd_fn=partial(make_divisible, round_limit=0.9), has_proj_act=has_proj_act, has_skip=has_skip, drop_path_prob=dp_p, norm_name=norm_name, act_name=act, ) setattr(self, f"s{i + 1}", stage) prev_w = w if head: if head.get("width", 0) > 0: head["width"] = make_divisible(head["width"] * max(1, width_mult), round_limit=0.9) if "w_h" in head: # MBV3Head head["w_h"] = make_divisible(head["w_h"] * width_mult, round_limit=0.9) self.head = build_head(prev_w, head, norm_name, act_name) self.apply(init_weights)
[文档] def forward(self, x): x = self.stem(x) for i in range(len(self.depths)): stage = getattr(self, f"s{i + 1}") x = stage(x) if getattr(self, "head", None) is not None: x = self.head(x) return x
def _build_mbnetv1(**kwargs): model_args = dict( stem_w=32, depths=[1, 2, 2, 6, 2], widths=[64, 128, 256, 512, 1024], strides=[1, 2, 2, 2, 2], kernels=[3, 3, 3, 3, 3], has_proj_act=True, has_skip=False, head=dict(name="ClsHead", dropout_prob=0.2), ) recursive_update(model_args, kwargs) return MBNet(**model_args) def _build_mbnetv2(**kwargs): model_args = dict( stem_w=32, depths=[1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 3, 1], widths=[16, 24, 32, 64, 96, 160, 320], strides=[1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1], kernels=[3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3], exp_rs=[1, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6], head=dict(name="ClsHead", width=1280, dropout_prob=0.2), ) recursive_update(model_args, kwargs) return MBNet(**model_args) def _build_mbnetv3_small(**kwargs): model_args = dict( stem_w=16, depths=[1, 2, 3, 2, 3], widths=[16, 24, 40, 48, 96], strides=[2, 2, 2, 1, 2], kernels=[3, 3, 5, 5, 5], exp_rs=[1, [4.5, 3.67], [4, 6, 6], 3, 6], se_rs=[0.25, 0, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25], stage_act_names=["relu", "relu", "hswish", "hswish", "hswish"], act_name="hswish", head=dict(name="MBV3Head", width=576, w_h=1024, dropout_prob=0.2), ) recursive_update(model_args, kwargs) return MBNet(**model_args) def _build_mbnetv3_large(**kwargs): model_args = dict( stem_w=16, depths=[1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 3], widths=[16, 24, 40, 80, 112, 160], strides=[1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2], kernels=[3, 3, 5, 3, 3, 5], exp_rs=[1, [4, 3], 3, [6, 2.5, 2.3, 2.3], 6, 6], se_rs=[0, 0, 0.25, 0, 0.25, 0.25], stage_act_names=["relu", "relu", "relu", "hswish", "hswish", "hswish"], act_name="hswish", head=dict(name="MBV3Head", width=960, w_h=1280, dropout_prob=0.2), ) recursive_update(model_args, kwargs) return MBNet(**model_args) @registers.models.register() @hub.pretrained( "" ) def mbnetv1_x025(**kwargs): model_args = dict(width_mult=0.25) recursive_update(model_args, kwargs) return _build_mbnetv1(**model_args) @registers.models.register() @hub.pretrained( "" ) def mbnetv1_x050(**kwargs): model_args = dict(width_mult=0.5) recursive_update(model_args, kwargs) return _build_mbnetv1(**model_args) @registers.models.register() @hub.pretrained( "" ) def mbnetv1_x075(**kwargs): model_args = dict(width_mult=0.75) recursive_update(model_args, kwargs) return _build_mbnetv1(**model_args) @registers.models.register() @hub.pretrained( "" ) def mbnetv1_x100(**kwargs): model_args = dict(width_mult=1.0) recursive_update(model_args, kwargs) return _build_mbnetv1(**model_args) @registers.models.register() @hub.pretrained( "" ) def mbnetv2_x035(**kwargs): model_args = dict(width_mult=0.35) recursive_update(model_args, kwargs) return _build_mbnetv2(**model_args) @registers.models.register() @hub.pretrained( "" ) def mbnetv2_x050(**kwargs): model_args = dict(width_mult=0.5) recursive_update(model_args, kwargs) return _build_mbnetv2(**model_args) @registers.models.register() @hub.pretrained( "" ) def mbnetv2_x075(**kwargs): model_args = dict(width_mult=0.75) recursive_update(model_args, kwargs) return _build_mbnetv2(**model_args) @registers.models.register() @hub.pretrained( "" ) def mbnetv2_x100(**kwargs): model_args = dict(width_mult=1.0) recursive_update(model_args, kwargs) return _build_mbnetv2(**model_args) @registers.models.register() @hub.pretrained( "" ) def mbnetv2_x140(**kwargs): model_args = dict(width_mult=1.4) recursive_update(model_args, kwargs) return _build_mbnetv2(**model_args) @registers.models.register() @hub.pretrained( "" "mbnet/mbnetv3_small_x075/mbnetv3_small_x075.pkl" ) def mbnetv3_small_x075(**kwargs): model_args = dict(width_mult=0.75) recursive_update(model_args, kwargs) return _build_mbnetv3_small(**model_args) @registers.models.register() @hub.pretrained( "" "mbnet/mbnetv3_small_x100/mbnetv3_small_x100.pkl" ) def mbnetv3_small_x100(**kwargs): model_args = dict(width_mult=1.0) recursive_update(model_args, kwargs) return _build_mbnetv3_small(**model_args) @registers.models.register() @hub.pretrained( "" "mbnet/mbnetv3_large_x075/mbnetv3_large_x075.pkl" ) def mbnetv3_large_x075(**kwargs): model_args = dict(width_mult=0.75) recursive_update(model_args, kwargs) return _build_mbnetv3_large(**model_args) @registers.models.register() @hub.pretrained( "" "mbnet/mbnetv3_large_x100/mbnetv3_large_x100.pkl" ) def mbnetv3_large_x100(**kwargs): model_args = dict(width_mult=1.0) recursive_update(model_args, kwargs) return _build_mbnetv3_large(**model_args)