basecls.layers.modules 源代码

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Megvii Inc. All rights reserved.
from typing import Callable, Union

import megengine as mge
import megengine.functional as F
import megengine.module as M

from .activations import activation

__all__ = ["conv2d", "norm2d", "pool2d", "gap2d", "linear", "SE", "DropPath"]

[文档]def conv2d( w_in: int, w_out: int, k: int, *, stride: int = 1, dilation: int = 1, groups: int = 1, bias: bool = False, ) -> M.Conv2d: """Helper for building a conv2d layer. It will calculate padding automatically. Args: w_in: input width. w_out: output width. k: kernel size. stride: stride. Default: ``1`` dilation: dilation. Default: ``1`` groups: groups. Default: ``1`` bias: enable bias or not. Default: ``False`` Returns: A conv2d module. """ assert k % 2 == 1, "Only odd size kernels supported to avoid padding issues." s, p, d, g, b = stride, (k - 1) * dilation // 2, dilation, groups, bias return M.Conv2d(w_in, w_out, k, stride=s, padding=p, dilation=d, groups=g, bias=b)
[文档]def norm2d(name: Union[str, Callable], w_in: int, **kwargs) -> M.Module: """Helper for building a norm2d layer. Args: norm_name: normalization name, supports ``None``, ``"BN"``, ``"GN"``, ``"IN"``, ``"LN"`` and ``"SyncBN"``. w_in: input width. Returns: A norm2d module. """ if name is None: return M.Identity() if callable(name): return name(w_in, **kwargs) if isinstance(name, str): norm_funcs = { "BN": M.BatchNorm2d, "GN": M.GroupNorm, "IN": M.InstanceNorm, "LN": M.LayerNorm, "SyncBN": M.SyncBatchNorm, } if name in norm_funcs.keys(): return norm_funcs[name](w_in, **kwargs) raise ValueError(f"Norm name '{name}' not supported")
[文档]def pool2d(k: int, *, stride: int = 1, name: str = "max") -> M.Module: """Helper for building a pool2d layer. Args: k: kernel size. stride: stride. Default: ``1`` name: pooling name, supports ``"avg"`` and ``"max"``. Returns: A pool2d module. """ assert k % 2 == 1, "Only odd size kernels supported to avoid padding issues." pool_funcs = { "avg": M.AvgPool2d, "max": M.MaxPool2d, } if name not in pool_funcs.keys(): raise ValueError(f"Pool name '{name}' not supported") return pool_funcs[name](k, stride=stride, padding=(k - 1) // 2)
[文档]def gap2d(shape=1) -> M.AdaptiveAvgPool2d: """Helper for building a gap2d layer. Args: shape: output shape. Default: ``1`` Returns: A gap2d module. """ return M.AdaptiveAvgPool2d(shape)
[文档]def linear(w_in: int, w_out: int, *, bias: bool = False) -> M.Linear: """Helper for building a linear layer. Args: w_in: input width. w_out: output width. bias: enable bias or not. Default: ``False`` Returns: A linear module. """ return M.Linear(w_in, w_out, bias=bias)
[文档]class SE(M.Module): """Squeeze-and-Excitation (SE) block: AvgPool, FC, Act, FC, Sigmoid. Args: w_in: input width. w_se: se width. act_name: activation name. approx_sigmoid: approximated sigmoid function. Attributes: avg_pool: gad2d layer. f_ex: sequantial which conbines conv2d -> act -> conv2d -> sigmoid. """ def __init__(self, w_in: int, w_se: int, act_name: str, approx_sigmoid: bool = False): super().__init__() self.avg_pool = gap2d() self.f_ex = M.Sequential( conv2d(w_in, w_se, 1, bias=True), activation(act_name), conv2d(w_se, w_in, 1, bias=True), activation("hsigmoid") if approx_sigmoid else M.Sigmoid(), )
[文档] def forward(self, x: mge.Tensor) -> mge.Tensor: return x * self.f_ex(self.avg_pool(x))
[文档]class DropPath(M.Dropout): """DropPath block. Args: drop_prob: the probability to drop (set to zero) each path. """
[文档] def forward(self, x: mge.Tensor): if not or self.drop_prob == 0.0: return x shape = (x.shape[0],) + (1,) * (x.ndim - 1) mask = F.ones(shape) mask = F.dropout(mask, self.drop_prob, return x * mask