basecls.engine.evaluator 源代码

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Megvii Inc. All rights reserved.
from typing import Iterable, Sequence, Tuple

import megengine as mge
import megengine.functional as F
import numpy as np
from basecore.engine import BaseEvaluator
from loguru import logger

__all__ = ["AccEvaluator"]

[文档]class AccEvaluator(BaseEvaluator): """Classification evaluator with top-1 and top-5 accuracy.""" ResultType = Tuple[int, float, float]
[文档] def preprocess(self, input_data: Sequence[np.ndarray]) -> mge.Tensor: """Preprocess input data per batch. Args: input_data: input data. Returns: Preprocessed input data. """ return mge.Tensor(input_data[0])
[文档] def postprocess( self, model_outputs: mge.Tensor, input_data: Sequence[np.ndarray] ) -> ResultType: """Postprocess model outputs with input data per batch. Args: model_outputs: model outputs. input_data: input data. Returns: A tuple that (batch size, top-1 accuracy per batch, top-5 accuracy per batch). """ targets = mge.Tensor(input_data[1]) accs = F.metric.topk_accuracy(model_outputs, targets, (1, 5)) cnt = targets.shape[0] acc1 = accs[0].item() * 100 * targets.shape[0] acc5 = accs[1].item() * 100 * targets.shape[0] return cnt, acc1, acc5
[文档] def evaluate(self, results: Iterable[ResultType]): """Evaluation function. Args: results: all results. """ cnt, acc1, acc5 = map(sum, zip(*results))"Test Acc@1: {acc1 / cnt:.3f}, Acc@5: {acc5 / cnt:.3f}")